I have now closed this blog and transferred everything to
I listen to the news; I read the newspapers. And I have nothing but further questions.
New technology is in danger of swamping education in Scotland. There is no shortage of imaginative ideas for using this technology. Where are the people discussing and planning the strategy of its use across education?
ID Cards are creating more heat than light at the moment.
A question has been posed elsewhere. What will education in Scotland be like in the short, medium and long terms?
I am on holiday now for a fortnight so I hope I will get back to my GTD way of life. I have lots to do in the time and I wonder whether GTD will get me nearer to completing the list than is the usual case.
I have slipped up and GTD has fallen by the wayside this week. Why I don't know. But unlike any other system of organising my life, I am suffering withdrawal symptoms. Tomorrow must be GTD restart day.
Again today there has been an announcement of personnel cuts in an NHS hospital. Over the last few years, more money than ever before has been poured into the NHS. There have been considerable increases in salaries but even so, what has happened to bring about this state of affairs?
The more I read about Gordon Brown, the more I ask myself why have we all be lulled into such a false sense of security.